Privacy Policy

Last updated: 4 April 2020

W100 respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. This Privacy Statement explains how we protect your information gathered via the Web pages of the W100 website. By using the Website or continuing to receive Communications, you agree to the use of such information in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

The website also includes Web pages provided by W100 and Web pages provided by other member firms or their related entities. These Web pages provided by the designated entities are not the responsibility of W100. Such Web pages, as well as other websites that may be linked to the Website, are not governed by this Privacy Statement. We encourage you to review the applicable privacy statements before disclosing any personal information.

As used in this Privacy Statement, "W100" means W100 and its member firms and their affiliates and related entities.

Information collection

Unless otherwise indicated in the relevant content, and on the condition that you comply with all of your obligations under these Terms of Use, you are authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute (but not modify) the content on this website; provided that (i) such use is for informational, non-commercial purposes only, and (ii) any copy of the content that you make must include the copyright notice or other attribution associated with the content.

You are not authorized to copy or use any software, proprietary processes, or technology embodied or described in this website. We may collect personal information when you interact with the Website, such as if you choose to register or create a user profile on the Website (e.g., to gain access to specific content, attend a hosted event, respond to a survey or request communications about specific areas of interest), or otherwise provide it to us. Depending on the specific Communication you are receiving, or the Web page of the Website you are using, such information may consist of your name, current job title, company address, email address, telephone and fax numbers, correspondence with you, which newsletters you subscribe to, and other information you provide to us.

We may also collect personal information if you register for the Website using a third-party social network account (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter). For example, the Website may allow you to login using your social network account credentials. We may collect the user name associated with that social media account and any information or content you have permitted the social media network to share with us, such as your profile picture, email address, and birthday. The information we collect may depend on the privacy settings you have with the social network site, so please review the privacy statement or policy of the applicable social network site. When you access the Website through your social network account, you are authorizing us to collect and use your information in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

The Website may also collect content that you provide, including postings on blogs, forums, wikis and other social media applications and services that we may provide.

We do not usually seek to collect sensitive personal information (i.e., data relating to race or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, political opinions, medical or health conditions, or information specifying the sex life or sexual orientation of an individual) from users. We will, where necessary, obtain your explicit consent to collect and use such information.

Log information, cookies and Web beacons

The Website collects standard Internet log information including your IP address, browser type and language, access times and referring website addresses. To ensure that the Website and Communications are well managed and to facilitate improved navigation, we or our service provider(s) may also use cookies (small text files stored in a user’s browser) or Web beacons (electronic images that allow us to count users who have accessed particular content and to access certain cookies) to collect aggregate data. Additional information on how we use cookies and other tracking technologies and how you can control these can be found in our Cookie Policy.

Information use

We collect and use your personal information with your consent to provide you with access to the Website and Communications, or where we have a legitimate business interest in or other legal basis for, such collection and use. The personal information you submit to us may be used to manage our relationship with you, including any of your requests, or to customize or improve the Website and related services offered to you.

We may also use your personal information for marketing purposes, or to send you promotional materials or communications regarding services provided by us or other members of W100 Global that we feel may be of interest to you. We may also contact you to seek feedback on services provided by members of the W100 Global or for market or other research purposes. Your personal information may also be used to protect our rights or property and that of our users.

You may at any time request that we discontinue sending you Communications, emails or other correspondence.

Disclosure of information to third parties

We may provide your personal information to other members of the W100 in order to provide you with information that could be of interest to you and conduct market or research. Your personal information may also be disclosed to members of the W100 and other third parties in order to respond to your requests or inquiries; as part of a corporate transaction (such as a sale, divestiture, reorganization, merger or acquisition); or where those parties handle information on our behalf.

Personal information may also be disclosed to law enforcement, regulatory or other government agencies, or to other third parties, in each case to comply with legal, regulatory, or national security obligations or requests.