Designer | 21-04-2020


Read on for tips on going green this wedding season.

BY Donna Skuse | 4 MINUTE READ

Weddings with an eco-conscience

Many couples treat their wedding as a one-off occasion when normal rules don’t apply, but an increasing number are aware of the environmental impact that this one day can have. There are many ways to make your celebration greener, from big decisions such as your venue to the more trivial. However big a commitment you want to make to an environmentally friendly wedding, you’ll find plenty of ideas here:

Keep it local

The most impactful way to make your wedding greener is to steer clear of a destination wedding, where every guest has to fly. Flying is a key contributor to carbon emission levels, so opting for a wedding closer to home immediately lessens your wedding’s footprint. If your heart is set on a far-flung location, consider donating to a charity that plants trees to offset the impact of flying. 

Keep it seasonal

It’s not just your guests who could have to fly to your wedding; your wedding flowers and even the ingredients on your reception menu can clock up some serious air miles, too. You can easily avoid this by using local, seasonal alternatives. Many chefs will prefer to work in this way, as locally sourced and in-season ingredients can offer superior flavor to those that have travelled halfway across the world before hitting your plate.  If you do want to use more exotic ingredients, ask your chef or wedding venue to prioritize ethical sources, such as free-range eggs, meat that complies with welfare standards and sustainable fish. 

You can also speak to your florist to understand which flowers will be in season for your wedding, and plan your bouquet and arrangements to make the most of these seasonal options. As an added bonus, you’re likely to get more for your budget this way.

Make it recyclable 

Your wedding probably uses more paper than you might realize, from the invitation packs sent out to guests to table plans and the order of service. All of these items can easily be printed on recyclable paper, and if you stick to simple printing without glitter and embellishments, they can be recycled again afterwards. 

Waste not…

Many couples still like to have wedding favours at the place setting for each guest, but all too often this token gift is wrapped in plastic. Try to find a recyclable alternative, such as a small glass bottle of your favourite tipple, or some delicious chocolates in a recyclable box. 

Ditch the paper lanterns

Paper lanterns, or Chinese lanterns as they’re also known, can be popular to offer guests to let into the night sky during an evening reception. They certainly look pretty, but what goes up, must come down, and too often the remnants of these lanterns float back to earth and cause havoc for wildlife. Animals can become trapped in the wire structure, or even try to eat it, with disastrous consequences. One alternative is ‘flying wish paper’. Guests write a wish on a piece of paper, light it and let it into the sky. There’s no wire structure to cause problems later - however, be very careful to only try this if there are no nearby trees that could get scorched!