Wedding | 27-05-2020


Top tips on being the ultimate hostess on your big day.

BY Donna Skuse | 4 MINUTE READ

You’ll naturally want your wedding day to be an occasion you’ll remember forever, and it’s even better if your guests return home feeling like they’ve been part of a magical celebration. As anyone who’s been a wedding guest will know, not all weddings are created equal. Whatever the venue, budget or style, the best weddings are often those where the guests have had a fantastic time, as well as the bride and groom. Here are some tips on being the ultimate hostess on your big day:

Give guest guidance

Weddings can involve a lot of organisation for guests as well as the couple-to-be, with travel arrangements, hotel bookings, gift purchasing and outfit coordination. Provide as much useful information as you can in advance, such as suggestions for local hotels or transport options. 

Entertain the crowd

When planning out the running order for your day, think about it from your guest’s perspective as well as your own. Weddings are often an all-day affair, and there can be long gaps, for example between the ceremony and reception to take photographs. Consider what your guests will be doing during that time, and provide drinks and canapés to keep everyone fed and watered. 

Consider all ages

The age range of your wedding guests might range from young kids to great-grandparents, and giving some thought to both extremes can help everyone relax and enjoy the day. Providing activities for children, such as colouring books or small games at the table, will keep them occupied (and quiet!) and be appreciated by their parents, too. For older guests, make sure there are comfortable places to sit during drinks or dancing.

Don’t be a diva!

It’s understandable that you may be nervous on the morning of your wedding, but your mood will set the tone for your close family or bridesmaids getting ready with you. They’ve been through the build-up to this day with you, so you really want them to have a good time. Remember to thank them for all they’ve done to support you – a small but thoughtful gift is a nice gesture.  If the preparations are starting early, make sure there’s breakfast laid on to keep you all fuelled for the day, put on some happy music and start the day right!

Take the time to greet every guest

Being a wedding guest involves effort and expense, so it’s only right to take the time to acknowledge the presence of every guest. That can be a tall order if you’re having a large wedding, but think ahead when you’re planning how the day will run and give yourself gaps to make the rounds and greet everyone. 

Finishing touches

Small and thoughtful gestures throughout the day can really stand out in a guest’s memory. These don’t have to be expensive and extravagant, but simple actions to show guests that their needs have been thought of, too. You could prepare baskets to place in the bathrooms with items such as breath mints, plasters (for rubbing shoes), deodorant or hair products, so guests can freshen up during the day. A basket of flip-flops will be appreciated by guests who want to throw off their heels and dance, and if your party goes on late into the night, a late-night snack is always a winner.