Work Life | 11-05-2020


Try easing your frazzled mind with a mindfulness practice.

BY Donna Skuse | 3 MINUTE READ

When you got engaged, you may have imagined that the run-up to your wedding would be a blur of excitement, fun and joy. As everyone seems to like to tell you, you’re planning one of the most important and happiest days of your life.

Given that weight of expectation, it’s no wonder that some couples can find the journey there stressful. When you factor in the other issues that weddings can throw up, from disagreements with your partner and navigating difficult family relationships, to nerves about the day itself, it’s natural that emotions and anxiety can run high.

That’s why, in the midst of the logistics, it’s really important to take some time to take care of your own mental health and wellbeing. After all, where’s the sense in planning beauty treatments and dress fittings and hair appointments, but not taking care of your mind, where all the memories of the day are going to be stored for the future?

Press pause

A simple way to give your frazzled brain a break is to introduce a mindfulness practice to your day. It’s free, can be done anywhere, and requires no special equipment. Mindfulness is simply using all of your senses to fully engage with the present moment. It’s proven to reduce anxiety, and some research even suggests it can help the brain’s ability to focus and function.

As with physical exercise, regularity is key to seeing a benefit. Find a slot in your day, which could be just five or ten minutes, when you’ll not be disturbed. Set aside your phone or any other interruptions, and find a comfortable place to sit. It doesn’t matter whether you sit cross-legged, in a chair or you kneel, so long as you’re comfortable. Notice your breath as you inhale and exhale. Let yourself simply be in the moment. 

It’s inevitable that your attention will wander, and your thoughts drift to other subjects. When this happens, just bring your focus back to your breath. Think of these other thoughts as clouds floating in the sky. Notice them, and then let them drift on by. With time and practice, this process of drawing your attention back to the present will become second nature.  

Mindful moments

As well as a daily practice, there are many ways to bring mindfulness into your day-to-day life.  We can all be guilty of eating on autopilot whilst doing other things, but setting aside all distractions and focusing on the textures, smells and taste of your meal can introduce a moment of mindfulness to your day. When you walk, notice the sensation of your feet hitting the ground and the feel of different surfaces. Staying present during these regular activities can help you to ease the stress of thinking about your to-do list or other issues. 

Soak it in

Once you’ve built up a mindfulness habit, there are plenty of ways it can be useful on your wedding day. Before the whirlwind of the day begins, take a few moments to tune in to your breath and calm your mind. Repeat this whenever you feel the nerves start to bubble beyond a comfortable level. 

The celebrations can pass in a flash, so be sure to pause and take it all in. Notice the smiling faces of your guests, the delicious food and sounds of conversation, music and laughter. You’ll be glad you took a mental snapshot of the day when you think back on it later. 

There’s plenty of information about mindfulness online, along with some guided practices. Give it a try!